Privacy Policy
Cybercanny strictly adheres to its privacy policy to ensure the maximum privacy of our customers and their data. Our Privacy Policy outlines the usage, storage and collection of all your private data.
Information Collection:
As a digital service agency, we may collect personal information from our clients, including their name, address, phone number, and email address. It’s important to note that all personal information collected is done so on a voluntary basis, and no incentives are offered to customers in exchange for their data. Moreover, all the collected information is only used for business analytics and is discarded after a certain time.
Device Information:
Cybercanny may also collect information about your device, including your IP address, device type, and the browser you are using. This information is gathered to enhance our services and improve the user experience. The collection and usage of the data are strictly in adherence with the governmental policies and requirements.
Purpose of Data Collection:
All collected information is utilized exclusively for the improvement of our business and to provide the digital services as per your requirement. Your contact information may also be used for communication purposes and task delivery.
Data Security:
We take data security seriously. Your information is stored in secure cloud storage to prevent any misuse or unauthorized access. Rest assured that we have implemented measures to protect your data.
Data Retention
Once your data has served its required purpose, it will be promptly removed from our company’s cloud storage to ensure your privacy and data protection. The removal of data depends on its collection date and after a certain period, the data is discarded from our database.
Legal Disclosures
In certain circumstances, we may be obligated to disclose personal information if required by law or requested by the State. However, we will make every effort to ensure compliance with relevant privacy regulations while doing so.
By utilizing our digital services, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this privacy policy. We encourage you to review this policy periodically, as it may be updated to reflect changes in our data practices or legal requirements. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or the handling of your data, please feel free to contact us using the information provided on our website. Your privacy and data security are of utmost importance to us.